What is FLUX Consulting?

Our consulting services are for Pre-K-12 schools and community-based organizations that partner with schools.

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model

FLUX employs a Student-Centered School-Community focus to align the common goals of community organizations and schools.

We emphasize the role of the community in supporting schools by taking a student-centered approach. FLUX aids clients in making the connections between wellness and student achievement when we help you develop and implement evidence-based policies and practices.

(c) CDC Healthy Schools


Flux Consulting targets three major areas: Climate and Culture, Leadership Development, and School-Community Partnerships.

Climate and Culture

FLUX will work with your team to analyze, respond to and/or develop programming in:

  • Behavioral Wellness
  • Resilience & Thriving
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Equity/Inclusiveness/Cultural Responsiveness
  • Whole Person Approaches
  • Staff Retention and Wellbeing

Leadership Development

Optimize the strengths of individuals for the good of the whole.
To create a highly functional team that is grounded in trust, FLUX will assist with:

  • Initial and follow-up assessments
  • Trainings and workshops
  • Individual and small group coaching
  • Creating effective leadership teams
  • Leader-staff relations
  • Individual and small-group leadership coaching
  • Leader wellbeing
  • Connecting cross-agency leaders

School-Community Partnerships

Let FLUX guide you in building and maintaining the effective school, community, and family collaborations needed to support and strengthen 21st century learning in your schools and in your community. This work includes:

  • Current service assessments
  • Identifying relevant service providers
  • Facilitating school community partner workgroups
  • Fostering understanding of all parties of needs, practices, limitations
  • Designing and implementing collaborative programs
  • Distributing resource materials and devising referral processes Contracts and MOUs
  • Follow-up outcome assessments

Are you ready to make a change?